SFDesiGirl Insta

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It’s colorful fall in San Francisco!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Finally it’s warm enough is SF but I am headed to even warmer city this labor day weekend…♡

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A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Happy Sunday instagram selfie!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

I am back to IG after a short break! This one from my latest visit to Google headquarter in Mountain View. Posting a work picture for a change!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

One of my favorites from graffiti fashion blog on sfdesigirl.com

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

What’s so special about the night? It’s Friday!!!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Indian Rath Yatra festival at Golden Gate Park!

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People dancing with joy on Hare Rama Hare Krishna!

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Relaxing Sunday at Golden Gate Park yesterday!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Friday night – all set for Temple!

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About last night at Temple SF!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Breakfast or dinner?

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Another vacation picture – with my best girlfriend at my favorite vacation spot!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Angel feathers because we are so close to weekend, almost there!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Bought these earrings from an Egyptian shop at pikes place Seattle! Simply love them ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

The magic mirror of Virginia city – makes you look like a joker 😀

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Pictures taken from the Great Wheel in Seattle – One side Seattle city, another side ocean view.

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Major throwback to our one of the many fabulous trips in India.

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

After a short trip to coit tower, sipping my coffee at starbucks, weekend just started for me!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Sunday morning breakfast – A bowl full of nutrition and flavor!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Absorbing the positivity of nature ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Our longest hike in Redwood national park. Spent half a day hiking 😮

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Perfect view of the city and space needle from Kerry park!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Happy hiker absorbing some more positivity coming from breathtaking views ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Wishing you all a peacefully Sunday morning!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A good morning breakfast in Jacksonville Oregon ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Love comes in all flavors it said!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Captured this from my WFH desk in Portland city at a tree house like apartment. We lived close to OSHU which was a mile away from city’s downtown area. Missing Portland especially the food out there ♡

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Tonight is a throwback night – this is how I welcomed my New Year in Las Vegas 😀

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One of the cities where I would be happy to live in!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Right before the hallucinating 11 miles hike :X

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Nothing is more exhilarating than a happy dancing peacock welcoming you. This what you find at the City of ten thousand Buddha’s ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

At Palace of fine arts ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

What a beautiful day it was today in San Fran ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

I love the City view from top – everything looks so peaceful ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

When you are lost (litterally) in the museum and don’t want to come back!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Ate that all by myself tonight – South Indian Paper dosa

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

I always dance when happy, which sometimes gets embarrassing!

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Food is what I need after 2 hours of swimming (especially Moroccan Paella)!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Morning peacefulness at the City of ten thousand Buddha’s

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

One of my favorite cuisine is Ethiopian and I highly recommend trying Ethiopian food in Seattle ♡

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People gathering late evening to see July 4th fireworks in Portland!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

My Sunday routine!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

MUST try – food at one and only restaurant in the City of Ten thousand Buddha’s (it’s all Vegan!)

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Soooo nice to be with these two once again!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Another highlight of Spring Indian Day in San Francisco

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Pocketful of sunshine from a sweet escape!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Pleasures of road trip – summer snow!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Right beneath the Green Bridge of Portland!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

My collection of pebbles from glass beach!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

The most relaxing thing – sipping tea at the City of Buddha’s

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

The city temple!

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“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

My favorite food truck in Portland was the one that served Moroccan cuisine!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Outside EMP museum in Seattle!

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

On our final ride, back to home

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

First day in Seattle – it was all raining!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Our yummilicious dinner tonight

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Most beautiful day of my trip in Seattle ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

My favorite place to experience Portland city!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Exploring parks and lakes of Seattle

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Soaking in Seattle’s sun

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Pink love!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

This was our day #3 in Portland city. Reading a guide for beginner photographers, so apt!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Loved the garden full of roses in Washington Park ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

This is how my work from home looked like this week! Breathtaking view from a tree house like setting.

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Day 3 Recap! Waiting for 4th of July fireworks in Portland Oregon.

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Yay! Day 3 of our road trip in Portland Oregon

Must stop on the way to Seattle from San Francisco – Redwood national state park!

Challenged my Adrenaline rush today – Completed 11 miles of hike to Fern Canyon loop at Redwood state park

This how my morning started – leaving Arcata behind

Feeling peaceful at the book store of City of Ten thousand Buddha

Best pie and best cider I’ve ever had.

Sipping my tea at the City of Ten thousand Buddha’s

San Fran to Seattle!

Headed to the city of Ten thousand Buddha’s – begins our long weekend road trip 😀

Recap of the Pride weekend in San Francisco

Always picturesque – Landsend

Once upon a time of skinny me!

My new love at work! Got these on memorial day sale!

On our way to work or an outing, we look happy together!

I now have a logo for sfdesigirl…yay!

Once upon a time when the weather was so cold!

I love wearing skirt as much as dresses!

Happy Pride weekend San Francisco!

This place is my staycation favorite!

It’s always fun when you live close to the beach. I enjoyed mango salsa with Nacho chips last week on baker beach with a view of Golden Gate Bridge ♡

Casually dressed on a lazy Sunday!

What is beauty? It is the ability to see, feel and appreciate things around us. Lies in your mind and in your heart ♡

Some paintings speak stories the moment you look at them

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Where many other cities in US are on heat alert, San Francisco stays foggy (but not so cold).

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A throwback at my last friday. What’s in for today will be here and on the blog soon!

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This is how I started my Monday today

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Didn’t know I take makeup so seriously!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Supporting all brilliant and gorgeous women from India at Spring India Day event in San Francisco

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Tango night and a museum tour. TGIF

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Found this one of the many beautiful pictures from our new years Vegas + San Diego trip.

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On my fourth drink at Carnival Parade in SF

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Weekday lunch at my favorite place, was supposed to be low calorie but I ended up grabbing all yummy and fried stuff ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

These one second videos are so funny!

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Not so high but high enough to see whole of San Francisco from here!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Happy it’s a 4 day work week.
I am going to spend entire day at this beach coming weekend

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Having a fun memorial day holiday with hubby at Japanese Garden in Hayward ♡

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

People don’t lie when they call shopping as retail therapy. I spent most of my day today at factory outlet and I feel excited yet relaxed right now!

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Day 1 long of weekend…
Celebrating the Caribbean way!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

My favorite place to relax on lands end trail, the view of ocean and Golden Gate Bridge is incredible from here!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Missing these girls right now @garimak @harleenparmar

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A picture that needs no filters!
Love the view of winery in background <3

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Love the pink Cherry blossom color, makes everything look so beautiful!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Saturday swimming and today on a hike, I am really having a good healthy weekend!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

On my way to explore more and celebrate this weekend!

A video posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Hiding my non eyeliner eyes behind cat eyes!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Found this sparking white mushroom growing out in the wild at Pine Lake Park last weekend.

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Lost in a fairyland waiting for an angel to show up!

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

Going back home from a beautiful park we discovered in San Francisco today. Lived here long enough still so many places to see around!

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Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty

Guns ‘N Roses

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Pink flowers coming out from a cemented road – noticed these on my way back home from a run today. Beauty of this city always brings a big smile on my face whenever I run outside!

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A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

A photo posted by Pratibha Suyal (@sfdesigirl) on

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