Today I am glad to be back on my blogging schedule after almost a month’s break! Another thing that I am glad about is that today is Monday, but I have no Monday Blues! Because it’s Memorial day holiday today! Yay! For all of my readers, I hope you all had a fabulous long weekend and you as energized to start work tomorrow as I am!

Shifting gears from the memorial day holiday talk, I wanted to post these pictures about my favorite feather jacket that I bought last year. I always wanted to buy a jacket like this but wasn’t sure how I would style it. Also, being a fashion blogger, I am sometimes scared that I might end up overdressing! Be it my makeup, clothing or accessories, it is so easy to overdo things when you are dressing up everytime you go out of your house. That’s me! I like to keep my style minimal while also adding a little bit of glamor to it. Saying this, feather jackets could sometimes seem like too much of fashion at once! So today, I am going to list down a few things that will give you an idea of how to wear your feather jacket in the right way!
Feather jacket style guide by me
- Wear it over something simple: Feather jacket alone will add enough glamor to your outfit. So pairing it with something that is too stunning might not go well enough. Off course, it depends on the occasion. For me, I like to wear this jacket over a normal dress or even a jeans and t-shirt.
- Try not to over style your feather jacket: Wearing a normal jeans and t-shirt today, and want to add some glamor to your outfit? Just wear the feather jacket! This works perfectly for me since I always need a jacket in San Francisco which is always windy.
- Wear less or no accessories over feather jacket: Again, it depends on the occasion but I prefer to not accessorize my outfit when I am already adding enough style to through a feather jacket. I really feel less is more when wearing something so stylish!
- Watch out for the color you chose! Personally, I loved the color of this particular jacket and that why I bought it! Black is another amazing color for feather jacket. I was actually looking for a feather jacket that’s of pink color, but the full pink jacket would be too much pink? I thought so! So got this one with pink white and black shades. You might not buy too many feather jackets as they all would be of the same style but different colors! So I recommend buying something that will go well with all type or colors of outfits.
So these are my top four recommendations that you can keep in mind while styling your outfit with a feather jacket. It’s funny how well a feather jacket rhymes with leather jacket lol. I think they both need extra care when styling or pairing them up with any outfit. I am not 100% satisfied with the pictures I am posting today, so I promise to write another blog dedicated to my cute feather jacket. I just wanted to post write a blog about these pictures since we took them on my birthday after work! So this is how I look about 9 – 5 work schedule 😉 Ending the blog on this note. Take care of yourself and style stylish all you lovely people!