The San Francisco Fashion Style

Whenever I go to new place, one of the things I always end up doing is to notice how people dress up on that place. Being a tourist, I am usually in my fancy/touristy clothes, but I love noticing the dressing style of locals living in places that I travel to. So far I’ve noticed that people in some places love wearing bright colors while some other people like darker colors more. In some countries, there is a heavy emphasis on embroideries while others might wear graphics or even plain tops/tees. When talking about the local style of any place, one thing is for sure that the climate of any place plays a huge role in the way people dress up. People living in warmer cities enjoy wearing bright, short or floral clothing whereas colder cities require woolen or darker clothing. Every type of outfit is beautiful in my eyes. For the daily outfits, one thing that is really important is – comfort. You need to be comfortable in your formal dress to be able to concentrate on your work. This is the reason San Francisco requires layered dressing style every day.
Talking about the weather in San Francisco, it is beautiful but windy at the same time. Many people who live here call San Francisco as the Fog city. Saying that you do require extra efforts to stay comfortable and still look stylish in San Francisco. Especially for someone like me who was born and raised in a city that is warm every day of the year! Honestly, it took me quite a while to adjust to the cold but not so cold fashion style. I quickly learned that wearing a jacket is a must in San Francisco. The right way of layering was something new and took some time for me.
Today, I love to wear layered clothing because it keeps me warm and stylish in San Francisco weather. Some of my favorite layered styles are – Stockings with a short dress, shorts over leggings, full sleeved t-shirt under a short sleeved or sleeveless top and sweater over a shirt (especially for my formal outfits). Apart from these, there are so many layered outfits that I keep discovering living in San Francisco.
I wore this outfit on a sunny plus windy day (btw, it’s almost always windy in SF!) when we were celebrating the Cherry blossom festival here. By Cherry blossom, you can imagine that it was spring at the time so yes, slightly colder season. But, I would have to wear layers even now in SF, although it is the summer time now. I love those V- cut shorts I am wearing on this blog and that shirt is one of my favorites too as I wear it on both my formal and casual outfits. In general, shirts are one of the easiest things to pair up with jeans/pants. Also, you can make so many fashionable styles from your shirts, If you are bored of wearing shirt and pant combination, add a little fun by tucking in the front part of your shirt. You can also wear it unbuttoned by tucking in and wrapping the bottom of your shirt around your waist. I also use my shirts as a skirt on beaches. There are endless ways you can wear a shirt as and I think that is what makes this piece of clothing so special. In this blog, I am wearing my shirt normally, but as I write this blog, I have a feeling that a shirt blog is coming up soon on SFDesiGirl!
Going back to the layered outfit I am wearing here, it is just a showcase of how I dress up in San Francisco. But, I follow the art of layering on my daily dress up in SF otherwise, I have to rely on jackets. Jackets, I think are also tricky as you usually need a different type of jacket outdoors and different one indoors. I usually have 2 types of jackets in my wardrobe – one that I wear when I am traveling to work or walking outside, another type that I wear indoors at work if I end our wearing a short sleeved blouse. My next few purchases will actually be full sleeved tops that can keep me warm all day without needing jackets. This is something in progress 🙂
Anyway, I just looked outside my living room window and noticed the gorgeous view of the fog city again! I am going to get back to the view while I enjoy my dinner. Promise to meet you in the next blog very soon. Stay warm and stay stylish till then 😉