It is Happy Fall Already, But My Summer Stories Continues…

First timer at the Salt Lake City
As I return from our Yellowstone National Park trip, sip my green tea in the flight and read Alaskan Airlines travel magazine, I realized I could use this time to write my experience about Salt Lake City from where I am just returning. I am typing this blog on my mobile phone and plan on posting it on the blog as soon as I settle down at my Redwood City home. We’ve been out on vacation since last ten days and there are some usual things to take care of at home once I Land in SFO airport. That said, I am still in my travel mode and in love with Salt Lake City – one of the many beautiful places we’ve visited during our trip to Yellowstone National Park.

To be honest with you, I didn’t have high expectations about SLC when we booked our trip. We were planning to fly to SLC from SFO airport, spend a couple of nights there and take a road trip to Yellowstone National Park. Jay and I love road trips since we get to explore more cities and little towns that way.
As we checked into our hotel at SLC on Friday night, I started looking for places to eat and was surprised to see so many restaurants that were open till midnight. Also, a lot of those restaurants had vegan/vegetarian options. I should mention that I was staying close to SLC downtown, so I am not sure about the suburbs of SLC. I was surely in first love with SLC after I noticed plenty of vegetarian options on Yelp. What’s a vacation if you can’t eat good food?!

As we drove to our restaurant which was right next to the SLC downtown Marriott, I also noticed that all bars were full of some fun crowd. People dancing, chatting, and enjoying their drinks in many of the outdoor settings. That’s the kind of experience I like on a Friday night!
City that loves everyone
On Saturday morning we went to this famous brunch place that had five-star reviews on Yelp only to notice that the restaurant had a 45 mins wait. Since we Jay didn’t want to spend that time of his morning waiting in line for a table, we found another brunch place that was only a few blocks away. I was so happy to see that there were so many brunch options. Plus, I was excited to know SLC localites love being outdoors. All bars were full at midnight and now in the morning, all brunch places are packed!

Chilled and slow-paced; perfect for families
I’ve spent a majority of my time in San Francisco in the US and am so used to the fast-paced environment where you are always multi-tasking (that was the culture I was used to in Mumbai before I moved to the US). SLC is a lot different from that environment. In SLC, people were more relaxed, happy, and believe in spending more time with their families. I noticed that the majority of the couples in SLC had more than one kids. Whether it is eating at a restaurant, relaxing at the park or just shopping at the City Creek mall, everyone was surrounded by their families. The atmosphere in SLC was definitely exhilarating for me. I am not sure how winters look like in SLC, but after my summer trip, I would be happy to relocate to this beautiful city if I must one day!

I can go on and on talking about my time in SLC and even more about the beauty of Yellowstone National Park but I will save my thoughts and words for my next blog. Not worried about the characters but I am overwhelmed about the pictures that I am sharing on this blog from my trip to Temple Square. The Square was my favorite part of Salt Lake City so I ended up taking hundreds of pictures at that place. The most difficult part of my day today was to select which pictures I will be sharing on today’s blog haha. Message me on my IG to share your experience with Salt Lake City if you’ve been there before or if you want any tips on where to eat/where to go if you are planning to visit the city. I will be back with more pictures of my Yellowstone National Park trip very soon. Till then, enjoy the rest of your weekend lovely readers!